Thursday, January 28, 2016

Late beginnings

I set this blog up years ago thinking that it would be such a great way to share recipes and stories with friends and family.  I just have to laugh because it has literally been years and it has taken a stroke for me to see the fragility of life and that we are not guaranteed even a day.  Each day is a gift, each minute and hour an expression of that gift.

Well one of the gift's I have been given is the love of food.  I loooovvvee food! Cooking, eating, and dreaming of it, yum.  And I don't believe we are giving gifts by our Creator to keep them to ourselves.  So, here I am a late beginner ready to share my gift on this blog and my story on another.  I hope whether you look at one or both blogs that you are blessed in the sharing.

I will be sharing recipes and meals from around the world and comfort food from our home.  I really enjoy a good challenge as long as it produces something that those around me will love to eat. Having friends over for good food, wine, and drinks really brings people together.  We often host people we don't know for a meal as food really does bring people together in a way normal life doesn't.

Some of the meals will be meals my kids have done, my 'bigs', 3 boys ranging from college to high school, can cook and my 'littles', a boy and a girl in elementary, are learning to cook. We call them the 'bigs' and the 'littles' as they are 7-10 years apart!  But as they learn to cook they are teaching me new things all the time.  One of the things we do as a family before sending our bigs out into the world is that they have a year of cooking.  Their senior year in high school they are required to plan, shop, prep and cook a meal for our family and/or friends.  They can have a friend join them as I teach but it's their responsibility to choose.  We through in challenges like budgeting, large groups, small groups and so on just to keep it interesting. And you are in luck in the Fall of 2016 I will have a Senior to share meals with you!

About my blog name Bakers Gone Gluten Free.  Yes, we are the Bakers and Yes ,we are gluten free.  I have celiac and 5 out of 7 of us are gluten free for one reason or another.  Every recipe I list will be gluten free and it will be yummy!  Not just GF yummy but yummy on its own.  No one wants to eat food that taste weird and we are no exception.  If it taste weird I don't want to eat it and I'm going to assume you don't either!

This is going to be a great journey and I hope you have as much fun as I do!
The Bakers

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